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Blog Tour: To Ignite a Flame – Daniela A Mera

<p style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-62176″ src=”; alt=”ToIgniteaFlame copy” width=”851″ height=”315″ /></p>

<p><strong>Happy publication day to author Daniela A Mera and congratulations on the release of the final book in the Entangled with the Enduar duet, To Ignite a Flame!</strong></p>

<p><strong><img class=”wp-image-60653 aligncenter” src=”;h=539&#8243; sizes=”(max-width: 341px) 100vw, 341px” srcset=”;h=539 341w,;h=1078 682w,;h=150 95w,;h=300 190w,;h=1024 648w” alt=”P875 TO IGNITE A FLAME_DANIELA A. MERA” width=”341″ height=”539″ data-attachment-id=”60653″ data-permalink=”; data-orig-file=”; data-orig-size=”2025,3200″ data-comments-opened=”1″ data-image-meta=”{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;orientation&quot;:&quot;1&quot;}” data-image-title=”P875 TO IGNITE A FLAME_DANIELA A. MERA” data-image-description=”” data-image-caption=”” data-medium-file=”; data-large-file=”; /></strong></p>

<p><strong>To Ignite a Flame (Entangled with the Enduar #2 Duet)</strong></p>

<p><strong>Publication Date: June 17, 2024</strong></p>

<p><strong>Genre: Fantasy Romance</strong></p>


<li>You Touched Here, Now You </li>

<li>Feminine Rage</li>

<li>He’s Still Got a Tail</li>


<li>Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder</li>

<li>I Swore to Protect Her with My Body</li>




<p><strong>The spark has been lit, and now they’ll burn the world to return to each other’s arms.</strong></p>

<p>Teo made Estela queen of the Enduares—his queen—only for the giants to steal her away on their wedding night.</p>

<p>Locked in a cage, far away from her new home, she plots to paint the palace with Rholker’s blood. He will pay for everything he’s taken.</p>

<p>As she schemes, Teo races across the land in search of allies among the elves. Now that he’s found his mate, he will lie, cheat, steal, and slit throats only for a chance to have his soft human back in his arms. Safe.</p>

<p><strong>To Ignite a Flame is the second book in Estela and Teo’s duet, but it is part of a larger series called Entangled with the Enduar. It is a steamy fantasy romance featuring a desperate heroine and a powerful hero. This adult fantasy romance is perfect for readers of Sarah J. Maas, Jennifer L. Armentrout, and Danielle L. Jensen.</strong></p>

<p><strong>Note: This story is an adult/new adult novel with mentions of trauma, abuse, captivity, and other mature themes.</strong></p>

<p><a href=”;storeType=ebooks&amp;qid=1712066617&amp;sr=8-1&#8243; target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”><strong>AVAILABLE ON AMAZON</strong></a></p>


<p><strong>Book Tour Organized By:</strong></p>

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<p><strong><a href=”; target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>R&amp;R Book Tours</a></strong></p>

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